On the road again, we started seeing the rummage sale signs. Whenever we could stop, without getting rear-ended, we did. We found a few very nice treasures. John found a fishing rod. It is a metal pole and was square instead of round. He didn't have one in his collection so that was our first purchase.
On the road again, our next few sales we found something of interest picking up a cook book entirely of fish recipes. I think this might come in handy if we should ever really start fishing again. I also found a framed picture of the alien, from the early cartoon show. The little green guy that wears the helmet. My son-in-law, Andy, used to like this guy so I picked it up for him to hang in the barn lounge. I'm sure he will be excited!!
On the road again, we finally made it to St. Germain after about three hours on the road. Note it is actually only about an hour and a half ride from home. St. Germain was just nuts with the holiday tourist up for Memorial Day. Hence we just rode through and didn't stop anywhere in town.
On the road again, after leaving St. Germain everyone decided they were hungry again. I said 'we just ate!' but it had been five hours ago that I had breakfast. We hit a few more sales before we saw anything that resembled a restaurant. We made a few more great buys of things we had been looking for, like an old kitchen step chair, the one where the steps fold into the chair when not in use. Also on the treasure list was an old bathroom scale. I weighed myself on it and liked what I saw so we got that too. The best buy at this sale was made by Erin. She found a fur coat. It must be a good one because it has a Neiman Marcus label in it. It looks like it was never worn. It will be a great winter coat and quite the fashion statement.
On the road again, by this time we are headed into Rhinelander. John remembers a Chinese restaurant there he went to twenty years ago. Well after talking about Chinese food for ten miles we are all hungry for it. We find the road its on and lo and behold it is still there, only close for parking lot repairs. Well Hardies is just up the road on the left but wait there in the distance is a little Family Restaurant up on the right so a quick lane change and we are in the door. This little place has way too many things on the menu and it takes quite a while to decide. Needless to say today was our day for eating out and we picked really good places. The food here was excellent also.
On the road again towards home and John says 'Hey there's a bear up there".

On the road again, after we saw the bear it turned into a pretty boring ride. It was getting late so all the sales were closed down and all the treasures were safely locked up in their garages.
We got home about five and unpacked our purchases and sat in a chair that actually didn't move.
Off the Road, Again!